Concrete Repair requires a thorough evaluation of the cause of damage, proper preparation, and application. The durability of the repair material is also an important consideration. Properties that impact durability include drying shrinkage, modulus of elasticity, thermal coefficients, and freeze-thaw durability.

Reputable contractors will offer warranties and insurance on their work.
Concrete is one of the most common building materials in the world, but it can still be susceptible to damage from natural wear and tear. Heavy foot traffic, vehicles and even changing weather conditions can all affect the integrity of concrete surfaces, causing cracks and spalling. Concrete repair can help to keep your concrete looking new and protect it from further damage.
It’s important to have the right products on hand when doing a surface repair. High quality products will ensure that your concrete repairs will last for a long time, keeping your home or business safe and stable. It’s also important to know that different types of damage require different types of repair methods. Using the wrong method can result in further damage to your concrete, or cause you to spend more money in the long run by repairing the same areas multiple times.
Surface repair techniques are often used to address cosmetic damage to concrete, such as spalling or cracks. It’s also common for these repairs to be performed on sidewalks, patios, driveways, porches, pool decks and garage slabs. The best surface repair techniques are ones that will protect the underlying concrete from further damage, and prevent water from damaging it.
For example, if a concrete surface has been cracked or chipped, a polyurethane patch can be applied to fill the crack and raise the level of the concrete. This will make the area safer and more attractive for pedestrians, and will help to prevent further damage to the underlying concrete.
When repairing concrete, it’s also a good idea to apply a protective sealer once the project is complete. This will help to prevent moisture from damaging the concrete in the future, and it will also increase the life of the repair. It’s a good idea to wait a month before applying the sealer, to ensure that the concrete has cured properly.
The concrete material that is chosen for a repair will have to be able to match the existing compressive strength. If it is not, the concrete will eventually fail due to thermal expansion. Choosing a concrete repair material that has an acceptable coefficient of expansion will help to reduce the risk of this happening.
Structural Repair
Larger structural repairs involve reinforcing the existing concrete structure to address serious cracking or damage that threatens a building’s integrity. This type of repair requires a professional engineer to design the work because it is typically very complicated. This includes things like forming and pouring new concrete, replacing old damaged concrete sections with fresh concrete, installing expansion joints, and tying in existing reinforcing steel to handle stress zones. These projects should only be undertaken by a professional contractor who has experience with concrete construction and can provide the necessary expertise to complete the project.
The durability of concrete is often impacted by a combination of chemical, mechanical, and environmental factors. Chemical issues may include sulfate attack, alkali silica reactivity, carbonation, and the corrosion of steel reinforcement. Mechanical and environmental issues can include freeze-thaw, normal temperature and moisture changes, expansion and contraction, movement of adjacent structures, vibrations and impact loading, and other forces imposed on the concrete structure.
It is important that the repair material used for concrete restoration be selected carefully for each application. This material must be strong enough to withstand the intended design loads, durable against the rigours of service conditions, and economical not just in its first cost but also in terms of long-term service life and overall value.
In order to achieve these objectives, it is vital that the material used in concrete restoration and repair has good constructability. Constructability is a complex term and encompasses handling properties, rheology, and cure times. Some concrete repair materials require a long curing period, while others need to set quickly to reduce downtime and to allow coatings and membranes to be installed sooner. Some repair materials need to be able to be hand-placed, while others need to be pumpable or be able to be poured into forms.
The location of the repair can also impact which concrete repair material is best for the job. Some locations may not be suited for certain equipment, and some repair materials are odorous, toxic or combustible. A successful repair project will take into account all of these factors when selecting the right concrete repair material for the job.
Decorative Repair
The use of colored concrete can help to enhance the visual appeal of your building and create a more welcoming environment for your customers and employees. Stain removal is also an important part of this type of repair as it can dramatically improve the appearance of concrete surfaces. Whether it’s oil, chemical or other stains, we can use various methods to remove them from your concrete.
Concrete cracks can be repaired by bonding concrete to the surrounding sound concrete or filling the cracks with an epoxy material such as a urethane sealant. To ensure a strong bond to the existing concrete, all cracks should be opened up prior to applying the patch. Opening can be accomplished by sandblasting or shot blasting. The area that will receive the patch should be thoroughly cleaned. A bond coat of a portland cement or epoxy resin is then brushed onto the surface and the patch is troweled immediately into place.
Large parking decks and other structures that require substantial replacement of concrete often call for form and pour repairs. These are usually done using ready-mix concrete delivered from a plant, site batched concrete from a portable mixer or a wide range of pre-blended bagged concrete repair products that can be mixed and applied on-site.
The key to a successful concrete repair is selecting the right concrete repair material for the specific application and in-place service environment. It is important to consider the constructability of the repair material when making this choice, as this factor can affect installation procedures, concrete mix design and performance.
Constructability includes a number of properties such as handling characteristics, rheology and cure times. For example, the ability to pump, slump, flow and hang / stickiness can be important when constructing forms or cracks. For some repairs, it is also necessary that the material be able to set quickly in order to return to service.
Depending on the damage, other factors that need to be considered include chemical resistance and freeze-thaw durability. In addition, if corrosion is present, it may be necessary to treat the steel within the concrete with an alkaline repair material to reduce corrosion rates.
Contact Us
Concrete is found in most commercial buildings, so when it’s damaged, it’s important to fix it immediately. This helps maintain a safe surface, reduce trip hazards and increase the overall structural integrity of the building. It’s also a cost-effective option compared to replacement, as it requires less equipment and manpower.
There are several methods of concrete repair, including slab lifting, resurfacing, polyjacking, underpinning and shoring. The most appropriate method depends on the type of damage and the location in which it occurs. For example, spalling is typically caused by freeze-thaw cycles, while sinking and lifting are best addressed using a polyjacking system with a concrete jack or lift.
To determine the most effective concrete repair method for your project, it’s helpful to consult a professional concrete contractor. They can provide a thorough inspection and recommend the appropriate products and services to solve your concrete problems.
Depending on the scope of your concrete repair project, you may require a mix that has specific construction properties such as pumpability, rheology and cure time. UNIQUE’s concrete repair products are designed with these requirements in mind and are available in pre-mixed pails, drums or ready to use bags. They are ideal for form-and-pour repairs, pour-in-place aggregate repairs, tremie concrete repair, dry pack repairs and trowel-applied vertical and overhead concrete repair.